Miyaichi Ryo/Feyenoord Rotterdamの最近のブログ記事

The first goal and Feie victory after Miyaichi transfers the register

After FW Miyaichi Ryo who belonged to Feyenoord had transfered the register by Netherlands Aldivige paragraph 23 that had been done on the 12th, the first goal was enumerated.

The Miyaichi that accomplished the forerunner full appearance of two game serial trapped one person decayed and filled when the cross from a right side was trapped in the breast for 18 minutes and the goal was trapped with the exchanging left foot.

As for the game, Feyenoord is winning victory in Heracles by 2-1.

Yahoo news: Http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20110213-00000308-soccerk-socc

City Ryo of 1-0 Imperial prince 2-1 Feyenoord Heracles (18 minutes first)  2-0 Diego Bisesval (33 minutes first) 2-1 mark Yan Freddels. (46 minutes first. )

Game preliminary report
http://www.vi.nl/Wedstrijden/Wedstrijd.htm?Dbid=211393&typeofpage=84140 order table
Feyenoord Miyaichi that is pleased to score one's first goal after it transfers the register in the first half
Http://cache2.nipc.jp/soccer/world/news/img/f-sc-2011-0213-0001-ns-big.jpg Yahoo sports: Http://soccer.yahoo.co.jp/world/holland/Sponabi: Http://sportsnavi.yahoo.co.jp/soccer/eusoccer/1011/holland/Feyenoord: Http://www.feyenoord.nl/

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このページには、過去に書かれたブログ記事のうちMiyaichi Ryo/Feyenoord Rotterdamカテゴリに属しているものが含まれています。

前のカテゴリはMF Yamada naokiです。

次のカテゴリはNagatomo yutoです。
